Ways to naturally boost your energy


Statistically, most people have low energy levels. People are often overworked and under-rested, leading to a feeling of low energy. However, the fast-paced nature of society is not the only thing to blame. Although most of us do not like to admit it, low energy levels this is largely due to lifestyle choices. Poor sleep and poor nutrition contribute to low energy levels, as well. Poor diet choices, such as processed foods, refined sugars and unhealthy foods can leave people feeling lethargic and unable to focus. Additionally, a lack of exercise, too much sitting and an insufficiency of fresh air can also contribute to low energy levels!

The average person’s day is often filled with long hours at work and then more hours in front of the television, computer, and/or playing video games. This lack of physical activity reduces the amount of oxygen circulating in the body, resulting in a decrease in overall energy levels. Moreso, people often don’t get enough sleep at night, which further reduces energy levels.

Daily intake of caffeine, unhealthy snacks and sugary drinks can provide a temporary energy boost. However, it doesn’t last long and can leave people feeling even more tired later on. Yet, many of us find ourselves in this daily cycle. I am not going to write this blog telling you that you need to eat clean 100% of the time, go to the gym for hours a day and get 9 hours of sleep every single night in order to feel a sustained level of energy. For many of us, this is an unrealistic standard to set for ourselves. Or, especially right off the bat!

In this blog, I will be sharing a more balanced approach with you that can help to increase your energy levels in a natural and non-demanding way. Let’s begin!


Have some fun in the sun!

Getting regular exposure to sunlight is essential for good health. Doing so helps to maintain a healthy level of energy throughout the day. Sunlight provides us with essential vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin D, promoting a healthy immune system.

Sunlight also helps to regulate our circadian rhythms, or body clock, which is important for maintaining a normal sleep cycle and ultimately balanced moods. Sun exposure can help us to get a better night’s sleep. Sunlight exposure during the day helps to set our body clock and signal our bodies that it is time to rest. A good night’s sleep is essential for feeling energized the next day.

Daily sun exposure also helps to energize us and keep us feeling awake and alert. Sunlight triggers the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate our moods and energy levels. Serotonin also helps to reduce fatigue, which can improve our ability to focus and stay productive. Sunlight can also give us an extra boost of energy by increasing our body temperature. When our body temperature rises, our metabolic rate increases, allowing us to burn more calories and have more energy.

In conclusion, getting daily sun exposure is essential for good health and energy levels. Sunlight helps to provide us with essential vitamins and minerals, regulating our body clock and helping us to get a good night’s sleep. Lastly, sunlight can help to increase our body temperature and boost our serotonin levels, resulting in increased energy and improved moods!


Take a break!

Taking regular breaks throughout the day is essential for maintaining good health and high energy levels. Breaks help to reduce stress and fatigue, which can improve our ability to stay productive and focused. Breaks also give us an opportunity to step away from our work and clear our minds. This can help to reduce mental exhaustion and give us the energy we need to tackle a project or task.

Breaks can also help to improve our moods and provide us with an extra boost of energy. Taking a few minutes to do something we enjoy can help to reduce stress and make us feel refreshed and energized. Breaks also give us a chance to get outside and get some fresh air, which can help to increase our energy levels and improve our overall well-being.

Finally, breaks can help to regulate our body clock and promote a good night’s sleep. When our body clock is balanced, we can fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer. A good night’s sleep is essential for feeling energized the next day. No matter who you are, we all need to take time to recharge or else we will eventually and inevitably burn out.

In conclusion, taking regular breaks throughout the day is essential for good health and energy levels. Breaks can help to reduce stress, improve our moods and regulate our body clock. Additionally, breaks can provide us with a good ‘excuse’ (not that you need one) to step away from work and get some fresh air, leading to increased energy levels and keeping us feeling energized.


Energizing foods

Eating healthy food and eating enough food, in general, is essential for good health and energy levels. Eating a balanced diet helps to provide us with essential vitamins and minerals, which are important for maintaining a strong immune system, balanced moods and sustained energy. Eating a balanced diet also helps to regulate our sleep cycle and promote a good night’s sleep, which (as stated above) is essential for feeling energized the next day.

Eating a healthy diet can also help to increase our energy levels by providing us with the energy and nutrients we need to stay alert and productive. Eating a variety of foods also helps to keep us feeling full, which can prevent us from feeling tired, sluggish or just plain cranky!

When we don’t eat enough, our bodies are unable to properly convert food into energy, resulting in fatigue and low energy levels. Eating enough food also helps to regulate our blood sugar levels, which can prevent us from feeling hungry and tired.

In conclusion, eating healthy food and eating enough food, in general, is essential for good health and energy levels. Eating a balanced diet helps to provide us with essential vitamins and minerals, regulates our body clock and keeps us feeling full!






Consuming herbs and supplements is a great way to increase energy levels without relying on coffee and/or other caffeinated beverages. Herbs and supplements can provide us with the energy and nutrients we need to stay alert and productive throughout the day.

Herbs and supplements can also help to regulate our sleep cycle and promote a good night’s sleep. For example, melatonin is a hormone that helps to regulate our body clock and can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Valerian root is another supplement that helps to reduce stress and promote restful sleep.

Additionally, supplementation can also help to reduce fatigue and improve our moods. Ginseng is a popular supplement that can help to reduce fatigue and increase energy levels. Ashwagandha is another supplement that can help to reduce stress and improve our moods, which can give us an extra boost of energy. Lastly, taking CBD oil before bed can also help with reducing stress and improving your sleep quality.


Move your body daily.

Daily exercise is an essential component for good health and high energy levels. Exercise helps to increase our energy by improving our cardiovascular health and strengthening our muscles. When our cardiovascular system is functioning optimally, it can deliver more oxygen and nutrients to our cells, providing us with an increase in energy. Regular exercise also helps to improve our body’s ability to utilize these resources to generate energy.

Exercise also helps to reduce fatigue and improve our ability to focus and stay productive. Regular physical activity helps to release endorphins, which are hormones that make us feel good and energized. Exercise can also help to reduce stress and improve our moods, which can give us an extra boost of energy.

Daily exercise helps to regulate our body’s internal clock and promotes a good night’s sleep. When our body clock is well-balanced, we can fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer. Really, when we prioritize getting enough high-quality sleep most nights, we can see a drastic change in our energy levels during the day! Sleep well tonight so you can get through tomorrow with more ease.

In conclusion, getting daily exercise is essential for good health and energy levels. Exercise helps to improve our cardiovascular health, reduce fatigue and regulate our sleep cycle. It can also help to reduce stress, improve our moods and much more. All of these benefits can help to increase our energy levels and keep us feeling energized throughout the day!


Final Thoughts

You do not need to change your whole routine and lifestyle in order to experience noticeable changes in your energy levels. Even simply implementing just one of the above sections into your daily routine could quite literally change your life!

Sometimes, small changes result in big changes.


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