Alternative medicine for children with ADHD and anxiety

Alternative therapies are increasingly popular with adults. Whether they are useful for children suffering from ADHD and anxiety is a more complex one.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, while not completely proven, has shown some positive results in terms of reducing the symptoms associated with ADHD and anxiety.

This article explores whether alternative medicine(s), such as CBD, are effective for children with ADHD and anxiety. To do so, we will look at some of the scientific studies into alternative medicines for children. Alternative therapies that have been used to treat kids will be outlined, as well. Specific treatments using CBD will also be evaluated.

Alternative therapies for children with ADHD and anxiety

Alternative therapies for children suffering with ADHD and anxiety include medical products, treatments, and other complementary therapies such as behavioral activities. These can be varied and combined to form the best course of treatment for each patient.

One of the main considerations when devising alternative therapy plans for children with ADHD and anxiety is that children need proportional treatment plans. Many alternative treatments have been proven to be child-safe. They should always be guided and agreed with an appropriately qualified professional.

Alternative treatments for children with ADHD and anxiety

A range of alternative treatments can be used to relieve symptoms of ADHD and anxiety. These include imaging techniques and minor hypnosis. Mindfulness activities and movement-based activities such as yoga can be soothing and calm.

Massages are another tool for relieving stress and relaxing the patient. Similarly, art and classical music can help draw out emotions and create openness and positivity.

Making some fundamental changes to a child’s diet can also alleviate symptoms of ADHD and anxiety. Focusing a diet on home-cooked, natural, unprocessed foods alongside significantly reducing sugar intake can play a major role in making the child calmer and more relaxed. Adding more fresh fruit and vegetables, beans, grains, and protein foods such as fish and eggs can help enhance mood and focus on tasks.

cooking for adhd

Finding new ways of adding more omega-3 acids into ADHD and anxiety childrens’ diets is also important. Patients are known to suffer from lower levels of omega-3 acids than are recommended in a healthy diet. Improving omega-3 levels can assist children with a greater ability to concentrate and  improve their memory.

Love and support from parents and siblings are among the most important aspects of any alternative treatment program for children with ADHD or anxiety. Since affected children are known to feed off their parents’ state of mind, keeping a positive mindset is essential. Try to keep any differences or arguments in private and away from ADHD kids. This is vital to fostering a positive environment conducive to alleviating your child’s symptoms.

CBD for children with ADHD and anxiety

CBD is a non-psychoactive extract from hemp that does not result in the feeling of being “high.” It can be consumed in a variety of forms. CBD is also available without prescription over the counter and can be bought online.

For children suffering moderate to severe symptoms of ADHD or anxiety, tension and hyperactivity can be a problem. CBD can be used to calm these symptoms and reduce the effects of seizures. In some cases CBD can not only stop seizures, but also prevent them!

One of the most common ways of consuming CBD is in oil form. One of the most important aspects of treating kids with ADHD is minimal tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the substance that gives the feeling of being high by marijuana.

How to give CBD to your child

To correctly dose your child with CBD, it is important to speak with the CBD company you are working with as well as a professional health advisor. The dosage will largely depend on the state of your child is in and their specific treatment needs.

Always make sure you take the time needed to find a good CBD company that will work with you more as a client and not just a customer. When it comes to medically treating children, it is important you are getting the highest quality CBD you can find! Always look for organic CBD and ask questions about the extraction process, the ingredients, and the source to ensure you are giving your little one(s) the quality they need and deserve.

The nice thing about CBD is that there are no known negative side-effects! This means if you accidentally give your child the wrong dosage, nothing bad will happen to them and they will not suffer any negative side-effects that often come with other medicine(s).

If you are looking for simplicity, then the best way to give your child CBD is via CBD drops. These make dosing accurately easier and giving them to your child easier as well. If your little one is a bit picky and is giving you a hard time, perhaps CBD isolate is your best bet, which is tasteless and can be added to almost any food without affecting the taste. CBD tea or other drinks are also a great and fun way to introduce CBD into a daily routine! Just make sure the rest of the ingredients list is healthy and don’t tell them that CBD is in the drink if that is what it takes-children are funny like this. Sometimes, you need to be sneaky when dealing with a child who suffers from ADHD and/or anxiety! You gotta do what you gotta do!

cbd for kids in tea

The effects your child will feel from taking CBD will be extremely subtle. CBD works with the central nervous system as a slight relaxant. The most your child will be feeling on a large dosage is a sense of calmness, which will make them likely feel more relaxed, but in a natural way!

In summary 

Non-traditional treatments or alternative medicines can be an effective way to help alleviate childrens’ symptoms of ADHD and anxiety.

This article has outlined some alternative treatments and the considerations to make when administering them. Alternative treatments such as CBD should always be provided alongside other remedies. Relying on CBD alone is not advised, and the other treatments/methods that have been explored in this article should be used in parallel.


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